- 香港大學教育系碩士畢業 - 香港大學社會學士課程,主修心理學, - 中文大學修畢教學文憑,為教育局檢定教員, - 曾赴英國名校讀書, 擁有4 A的GCE A-Level成績。
j教學進修 / 補習josieyu.yls

Your best choice in Hong Kong Central 你的商務辦公室首選,位於香港中上環地段
物業地產 / 商務中心Global Business Centre

Corporate Investigations Consultancy operating in Hong Kong (headquarters), Macau, China, and the Asia Pacific Region.
S商業 / 顧問Suzzess

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l表演藝術 / 小丑及雜技lilyfacepaint1

I am Jenny, a fine art film wedding photographer based in HK. Capturing timeless moments is my lifelong passion.
J結婚 / 香港婚紗攝影Jenny Tong Photography

Wedding & Function Live Band with Professional Musicians, both Filipino & Hong Kong Singers, Backup Vocalists & Audio Engineers. Plays Jazz, Blues, Pop, R&B, Dance and Classical music.
結婚 / 婚禮演奏Deans Live Music

私人網球教練 Full experience tennis coach, who has been taught students since 3 years ago. Represented Hong Kong to have oversea competition.

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The Premier Personal Training and Golf Performance Studio in Hong Kong
M運動及健身 / 場地出租Maximus Studio Limited

小提琴導師Yammie Kong (Mobile: 63407170) , 已考獲演奏文憑ATCL , 師承演藝學院教授范丁 , 有8年教學經驗 , 曾於各大小型琴行及 小學教授小提琴,現時主要在新界西 私人上門教授小提琴。 本人曾於16及17年舉辦學生音樂會,現時有 學生人數超過40人。教學對象主要是 幼年學生(K3至小學) 。 教學特色: 1. 嚴格地為學生保持良好姿勢 本人會參考名

鋼琴老師 | 伴奏導師 | 演奏 Piano Teacher | Accompanist | Performance 古典鋼琴 Classical piano 樂理 Theory of Music 視譜訓練 Sight-Reading 樂器伴奏,參加音樂考試,比賽及表演 Accompanist for Music Exams, Competitions and Festivals
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Chang

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Hi everyone, Pls call me Rachis-friendly,nice,outgoing. I am a native Mandarin speaker.I graduated from a famous university.Now I prepare the Master degree in HK,so I have enough time to teach Mandari

NovaLab 提供如網頁設計、程式編寫、網絡應用程式、網頁寄存、伺服器等。
A設計 / 網頁設計Andy Chan
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